We sets high standards in design culture and creative community. Our management team and all staff work alongside each other in an open studio environment enabling a horizontal based line of communication as opposed to a vertical hierarchy. The open studio model allows for clear communication across our disciplines with management and staff working as a whole. Printf has a strong design culture that endeavours to have group design workshops and presentations to gain a broad exposure of projects across the personnel.
Our social culture is a strong component to the success and wellbeing of our team. Through sporting, educational and social initiatives, our people are able to interact and enjoy events outside of our day to day business.
The desks are setup in a regular grid to give the room a regular structure and there is a central space with book cabinets storing our thesis and reference material, exposed to all members and ready for use.
The studio also has a small kitchen where we can prepare our lunches and store the liquids for our friday night drinks, the time we are waiting for.